- Illinois

Debate Club: Chicago CHARGE
Speech Club: Chicago CHARGE

2014-2015 Results

Ranks using total (including unverified) points. Use only verified results.

Rank Points: 48.123 Speech Rank Points: 42.901
Verified Rank Points: 48.123 Verified Speech Rank Points: 42.901
National Rank: 426th National Speech Rank: 300th
IL Rank: 16th IL Speech Rank: 12th
Event National Rank IL Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 122nd 6th 12.568 12.568 ✔x4
flag 38th 2nd 7.75 7.75 ✔
flag 62nd 8th 18.017 18.017 ✔x4
flag 236th 10th 4.566 4.566
flag 213th 2nd 2.222 2.222 ✔
flag 500th 5th 1.026 1.026
flag 341st 10th 3 3
flag 565th 13th 3.583 3.583

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.