- California

Debate Club: Fresno
Speech Club: Coram Deo

2009-2010 Results

Rank Points: 72.997 Speech Rank Points: 60.083
National Rank: 153rd National Speech Rank: 119th
CA Rank: 66th CA Speech Rank: 51st
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 136th 62nd 4.154
flag 102nd 40th 1.706
flag 25th 11th 24.221 ✔x4
flag 152nd 83rd 7.387 ✔✔
flag 46th 27th 10.296 ✔✔
flag 50th 19th 12.319 ✔✔
flag 101st 37th 12.914 ✔x5

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