- Texas

Debate Club: Invictus Fides
Speech Club: Invictus Fides

2013-2014 Results

Rank Points: 219.582 Speech Rank Points: 115.783
National Rank: 83rd National Speech Rank: 123rd
TX Rank: 13th TX Speech Rank: 19th
Event National Rank TX Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 16th 2nd 61.938 ✔x4
flag 57th 14th 30.887 ✔x6
flag 37th 4th 22.958 ✔x4
flag 4th 1st 49.991 ✔x5
flag 4th 1st 85.667 ✔x6
flag 38th 1st 53.808 ✔x6
flag 26th 4th 138.5 ✔x6

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