- Florida

Debate Club: Posh Queens
Speech Club: Posh Queens

2013-2014 Results

Rank Points: 138.358 Speech Rank Points: 59.637
National Rank: 165th National Speech Rank: 279th
FL Rank: 9th FL Speech Rank: 12th
Event National Rank FL Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 71st 4th 26.343 ✔x5
flag 74th 5th 23.919 ✔✔✔
flag 117th 13th 9.375 ✔✔
flag 81st 6th 34.4 ✔✔
flag 157th 10th 14.375 ✔✔
flag 157th 12th 3 ✔
flag 135th 10th 3.75 ✔
flag 150th 12th 8.333 ✔✔
flag 59th 2nd 37.571 ✔x4
flag 225th 3rd 18.75 ✔✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.