- Georgia

Debate Club: Eagle Speaks
Speech Club: Eagle Speaks

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using total (including unverified) points. Use only verified results.

Rank Points: 126.742 Speech Rank Points: 73.903
Verified Rank Points: 126.742 Verified Speech Rank Points: 73.903
National Rank: 149th National Speech Rank: 172nd
GA Rank: 6th GA Speech Rank: 7th
Event National Rank GA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 134th 8th 12.49 12.49 ✔x4
flag 91st 4th 18.358 18.358 ✔✔
flag 33rd 2nd 11.01 11.01 ✔✔
flag 128th 7th 8 8 ✔
flag 120th 6th 13.217 13.217 ✔x4
flag 172nd 5th 1 1
flag 133rd 5th 9.828 9.828 ✔✔
flag 437th 14th 1.2 1.2
flag 390th 11th 1.917 1.917
flag 229th 5th 2 2 ✔
flag 57th 3rd 16.562 16.562 ✔x4
flag 296th 29th 1.222 1.222
flag 83rd 3rd 13.988 21.321 ✔x4+✔
flag 68th 3rd 26.809 26.809 ✔x4
flag 233rd 8th 4.5 4.5 ✔
flag 233rd 10th 4.5 4.5 ✔
flag 203rd 7th 14.255 14.255 ✔x4
flag 23rd 4th 7.268 7.268 ✔
flag 19th 5th 7.153 7.153 ✔✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.