- Arizona

Debate Club: Mars Hill
Speech Club: Mars Hill

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using total (including unverified) points. Use only verified results.

Rank Points: 133.34 Speech Rank Points: 65.883
Verified Rank Points: 133.34 Verified Speech Rank Points: 65.883
National Rank: 140th National Speech Rank: 195th
AZ Rank: 6th AZ Speech Rank: 11th
Event National Rank AZ Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 73rd 5th 24.286 24.286 ✔x6
flag 92nd 4th 1.25 1.25
flag 99th 6th 16.304 16.304 ✔x4
flag 98th 7th 11.279 11.279 ✔✔
flag 89th 5th 10.369 10.369 ✔✔
flag 367th 23rd 2.395 2.395
flag 300th 12th 1.2 1.2
flag 25th 1st 31.657 31.657 ✔x5
flag 250th 8th 1.571 1.571
flag 193rd 9th 7.671 7.671 ✔
flag 51st 1st 35.8 35.8 ✔x7
flag 276th 5th 9.21 9.21 ✔✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.