- Texas

Debate Club: iCom
Speech Club: iCom

2010-2011 Results

Rank Points: 24.847 Speech Rank Points: 8.661
National Rank: 607th National Speech Rank: 813th
TX Rank: 87th TX Speech Rank: 114th
Event National Rank TX Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 270th 40th 3.409
flag 191st 26th 2.895
flag 775th 119th 1
flag 229th 34th 1.357
flag 25th 19th 3.166
flag 306th 51st 3.308 ✔
flag 361st 61st 1.75
flag 357th 59th 1.833
flag 216th 37th 6.129

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.