- Texas

Debate Club: iCom
Speech Club: iCom

2010-2011 Results

Rank Points: 75.352 Speech Rank Points: 57.107
National Rank: 257th National Speech Rank: 220th
TX Rank: 41st TX Speech Rank: 27th
Event National Rank TX Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 131st 16th 5.925
flag 111th 18th 3
flag 109th 20th 9.728 ✔
flag 195th 29th 12.438 ✔✔✔
flag 53rd 10th 26.016 ✔x5
flag 136th 21st 10.459 ✔✔
flag 13th 11th 7.786 ✔✔

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