- California

Debate Club: Testify
Speech Club: Testify

2010-2011 Results

Rank Points: 107.641 Speech Rank Points: 41.725
National Rank: 173rd National Speech Rank: 295th
CA Rank: 68th CA Speech Rank: 107th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 339th 132nd 1.365
flag 96th 38th 8.576 ✔✔
flag 63rd 19th 7.188 ✔
flag 89th 25th 11.487 ✔x4
flag 189th 71st 13.109 ✔✔✔
flag 22nd 11th 65.916 ✔x4

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.