- California

Debate Club: Auburn
Speech Club: Auburn

2010-2011 Results

Rank Points: 183.565 Speech Rank Points: 111.297
National Rank: 69th National Speech Rank: 104th
CA Rank: 37th CA Speech Rank: 44th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 167th 58th 7.254 ✔
flag 102nd 31st 10.56 ✔✔
flag 44th 18th 54.013 ✔x5
flag 19th 14th 30.049 ✔x4
flag 140th 54th 8.296 ✔
flag 247th 82nd 1.125
flag 19th 10th 72.268 ✔x6

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