- California

Debate Club: Modesto
Speech Club: Bonus Novus

2012-2013 Results

Rank Points: 168.166 Speech Rank Points: 7.05
National Rank: 184th National Speech Rank: 1089th
CA Rank: 66th CA Speech Rank: 357th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 185th 61st 7.05 ✔
flag 138th 37th 2.133
flag 182nd 49th 1.204
flag 125th 31st 2.444
flag 86th 19th 10.884 ✔✔
flag 426th 159th 2
flag 38th 17th 51.26 ✔x9
flag 43rd 22nd 91.191 ✔x11

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.