- California

Debate Club: Modesto
Speech Club: Voice

2012-2013 Results

Rank Points: 195.381 Speech Rank Points: 104.01
National Rank: 162nd National Speech Rank: 159th
CA Rank: 59th CA Speech Rank: 51st
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 12th 7th 47.833 ✔x4
flag 271st 86th 3.948
flag 188th 61st 20.46 ✔x4
flag 39th 7th 31.769 ✔x4
flag 182nd 49th 1.204
flag 314th 82nd 1.354
flag 38th 17th 51.26 ✔x9
flag 114th 48th 37.553 ✔x9

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