- Texas

Debate Club: WSDC
Speech Club: WSDC

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 92.986 Speech Rank Points: 86.568
Verified Rank Points: 92.986 Verified Speech Rank Points: 86.568
National Rank: 192nd National Speech Rank: 123rd
TX Rank: 28th TX Speech Rank: 15th
Event National Rank TX Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 338th 35th 2.938 2.938
flag 112th 14th 3.065 3.065
flag 153rd 20th 4.591 4.591
flag 42nd 3rd 29.278 29.278 ✔x4
flag 36th 9th 13.85 13.85 ✔
flag 170th 19th 2.429 2.429
flag 54th 10th 21.875 21.875 ✔
flag 84th 11th 8.542 8.542 ✔
flag 334th 49th 2.574 2.574
flag 267th 43rd 3.829 3.829
flag 163rd 27th 3.844 3.844
flag 218th 40th 6.438 6.438 ✔✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.