- California

Debate Club: Parle
Speech Club: Parle

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 99.387 Speech Rank Points: 42.749
Verified Rank Points: 99.387 Verified Speech Rank Points: 42.749
National Rank: 182nd National Speech Rank: 253rd
CA Rank: 73rd CA Speech Rank: 86th
Event National Rank CA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 70th 27th 14.35 14.35 ✔
flag 53rd 25th 10.078 10.078 ✔✔
flag 31st 13th 18.321 18.321 ✔x5
flag 22nd 9th 36.474 36.474 ✔x5
flag 118th 36th 14.858 14.858 ✔✔✔
flag 77th 35th 20.164 20.164 ✔x6
flag 63rd 27th 48.445 48.445 ✔x7

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