- Washington

Debate Club: Gopher Hill
Speech Club: Gopher Hill

2015-2016 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 93.722 Speech Rank Points: 66.022
Verified Rank Points: 59.438 Verified Speech Rank Points: 43.167
National Rank: 303rd National Speech Rank: 249th
WA Rank: 26th WA Speech Rank: 24th
Event National Rank WA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 207th 17th 6.075 6.138
flag 219th 18th 4.606 4.606
flag 485th 5th 0 6.792 ✔✔
flag 8th 2nd 12 28 ✔+✔
flag 61st 6th 20.486 20.486 ✔✔✔
flag 119th 6th 13.571 25 ✔✔✔+✔✔✔
flag 147th 8th 8.774 12.024 ✔✔+✔
flag 300th 18th 1.2 1.2
flag 256th 17th 1.5 1.5
flag 331st 29th 3.3 3.3

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.