- California

Debate Club: Modesto
Speech Club: Covenant

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 212.813 Speech Rank Points: 89.139
Verified Rank Points: 212.813 Verified Speech Rank Points: 89.139
National Rank: 78th National Speech Rank: 148th
CA Rank: 37th CA Speech Rank: 56th
Event National Rank CA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 321st 145th 3.226 3.226
flag 601st 210th 3.664 3.664
flag 115th 42nd 6.384 6.384
flag 20th 15th 46.422 46.422 ✔x6
flag 37th 17th 19.852 19.852 ✔x4
flag 190th 77th 7.4 7.4 ✔
flag 183rd 61st 2.191 2.191
flag 268th 67th 1.263 1.263
flag 238th 60th 1.5 1.5
flag 273rd 69th 1.235 1.235
flag 282nd 70th 3.919 3.919
flag 5th 4th 119.676 119.676 ✔x9
flag 97th 41st 32.761 32.761 ✔x8

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.