- Arizona

Debate Club: Kairos
Speech Club: Kairos

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 363.193 Speech Rank Points: 299.843
Verified Rank Points: 363.193 Verified Speech Rank Points: 299.843
National Rank: 27th National Speech Rank: 22nd
AZ Rank: 4th AZ Speech Rank: 4th
Event National Rank AZ Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 59th 5th 24.849 24.849 ✔x6
flag 42nd 3rd 57.932 57.932 ✔x6
flag 34th 3rd 7.283 7.283 ✔
flag 23rd 3rd 19.917 19.917 ✔x4
flag 27th 2nd 48.059 48.059 ✔x8
flag 17th 1st 20 20 ✔
flag 99th 7th 13.281 13.281 ✔x4
flag 24th 4th 60.182 60.182 ✔x5
flag 11th 2nd 48.34 48.34 ✔x4
flag 384th 25th 1.061 1.061
flag 353rd 24th 1.522 1.522
flag 48th 3rd 17.436 17.436 ✔✔✔
flag 60th 3rd 24.53 24.53 ✔✔✔
flag 32nd 2nd 44.853 44.853 ✔x6
flag 42nd 3rd 75.94 75.94 ✔x8

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