- California

Debate Club: Sophos
Speech Club: Sophos

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 31.356 Speech Rank Points: 23.854
Verified Rank Points: 31.356 Verified Speech Rank Points: 23.854
National Rank: 543rd National Speech Rank: 490th
CA Rank: 197th CA Speech Rank: 181st
Event National Rank CA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 256th 118th 4.541 4.541
flag 123rd 34th 3.04 3.04
flag 295th 101st 2.249 2.249
flag 154th 59th 1.6 1.6
flag 213th 86th 2.468 2.468
flag 152nd 67th 7.753 7.753 ✔
flag 389th 149th 2.203 2.203
flag 260th 92nd 3.916 3.916
flag 211th 72nd 4.881 4.881
flag 163rd 43rd 3.586 3.586
flag 288th 71st 3.829 3.829

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.