- California

Debate Club: EPICĀ²
Speech Club: EPICĀ²

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 32.421 Speech Rank Points: 24.482
Verified Rank Points: 32.421 Verified Speech Rank Points: 24.482
National Rank: 528th National Speech Rank: 477th
CA Rank: 192nd CA Speech Rank: 176th
Event National Rank CA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 177th 79th 8.118 8.118 ✔
flag 505th 182nd 4.574 4.574
flag 157th 62nd 4.369 4.369
flag 278th 119th 3.204 3.204
flag 289th 110th 4.217 4.217
flag 186th 62nd 6.189 6.189 ✔
flag 191st 61st 5.68 5.68
flag 219th 52nd 1.75 1.75
flag 465th 119th 0.933 0.933

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.