- California

Debate Club: Proclaim
Speech Club: Proclaim

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 98.734 Speech Rank Points: 88.107
Verified Rank Points: 98.734 Verified Speech Rank Points: 88.107
National Rank: 196th National Speech Rank: 152nd
CA Rank: 72nd CA Speech Rank: 58th
Event National Rank CA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 215th 96th 5.96 5.96
flag 471st 173rd 5.106 5.106
flag 301st 105th 2.131 2.131
flag 53rd 19th 18.992 18.992 ✔x5
flag 33rd 21st 35.324 35.324 ✔x4
flag 32nd 15th 20.594 20.594 ✔x4
flag 185th 61st 6.201 6.201 ✔
flag 195th 63rd 5.467 5.467
flag 140th 38th 4.426 4.426
flag 321st 83rd 3.075 3.075

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.