- California

Debate Club: Response
Speech Club: Response

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 236.699 Speech Rank Points: 88.088
Verified Rank Points: 236.699 Verified Speech Rank Points: 88.088
National Rank: 63rd National Speech Rank: 153rd
CA Rank: 28th CA Speech Rank: 59th
Event National Rank CA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 155th 61st 20.347 20.347 ✔x5
flag 184th 63rd 5.559 5.559 ✔
flag 55th 20th 17.637 17.637 ✔x6
flag 46th 24th 28.334 28.334 ✔x4
flag 102nd 37th 16.211 16.211 ✔✔
flag 64th 19th 14 14 ✔
flag 37th 9th 19.314 19.314 ✔✔✔
flag 51st 14th 32.711 32.711 ✔x5
flag 207th 74th 4.667 4.667 ✔
flag 6th 5th 119.583 119.583 ✔x10
flag 167th 60th 6 6 ✔
flag 361st 130th 1.81 1.81
flag 34th 20th 89.731 89.731 ✔x12

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.