- California

Debate Club: Parle
Speech Club: Parle

2016-2017 Results

Ranks using only verified points. Include unverified results.

Rank Points: 39.152 Speech Rank Points: 22.789
Verified Rank Points: 39.152 Verified Speech Rank Points: 22.789
National Rank: 466th National Speech Rank: 504th
CA Rank: 172nd CA Speech Rank: 188th
Event National Rank CA Rank Verified
Points Partner Check Marks
flag 202nd 92nd 5.018 5.018
flag 96th 35th 17.771 17.771 ✔x5
flag 299th 76th 1.125 1.125
flag 263rd 65th 1.286 1.286
flag 234th 57th 1.563 1.563
flag 236th 59th 1.529 1.529
flag 242nd 59th 5.013 5.013
flag 121st 48th 11.5 11.5 ✔✔
flag 306th 112th 2.667 2.667 ✔
flag 361st 130th 1.81 1.81
flag 209th 75th 4.621 4.621
flag 299th 110th 2.867 2.867 ✔
flag 44th 24th 70.552 70.552 ✔x11

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.