- California

Debate Club: Capital
Speech Club: Capital

2023-2024 Results

Rank Points: 58.622 Speech Rank Points: 49.672
National Rank: 349th National Speech Rank: 283rd
CA Rank: 79th CA Speech Rank: 69th
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 66th 22nd 6.971 ✔
flag 209th 44th 4.711
flag 74th 15th 8.99 ✔
flag 56th 17th 29 ✔x5
flag 423rd 82nd 1.2
flag 568th 110th 1.174
flag 135th 38th 7.75 ✔✔
flag 264th 75th 7.401 ✔

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