Combined Speech and Debate Rankings in Resolve

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Displaying records 1 - 60 of 62 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
1st 1048.844
2nd 669.143
3rd 540.912
4th 464.257
5th 363.294
6th 358.18
7th 278.007
8th 227.03
9th 217.564
10th 198.069
11th 191.392
12th 138.68
13th 109.697
14th 89.386
15th 82.854
16th 76.946
17th 73.207
18th 72.492
19th 67.343
20th 65.208
21st 57.856
22nd 55.546
23rd 44.657
24th 34.631
25th 33.596
26th 30.032
27th 27.407
28th 26.17
29th 25.235
30th 25.147
31st 23.536
32nd 23.029
33rd 20.588
34th 19.403
35th 19.005
36th 18.2
37th 15.538
38th 13.138
39th 12.841
40th 12.632
41st 12.001
42nd 11.781
43rd 10.993
44th 10.608
45th 10.228
46th 9.485
47th 9.221
48th 8.698
49th 8.589
50th 6.962
51st 5.667
52nd 5.227