Combined Speech and Debate Rankings in Arkansas

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Displaying records 1 - 60 of 69 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
1st 566.768
2nd 276.721
3rd 228.866
4th 195.247
5th 184.514
6th 144.407
7th 124.494
8th 119.721
9th 109.211
10th 108.572
11th 89.836
12th 72.282
13th 47.697
14th 47.112
15th 41.507
16th 40.369
17th 39.038
18th 33.244
19th 32.735
20th 31.434
21st 21.971
22nd 19.545
23rd 17.925
24th 17.86
25th 14.679
26th 14.211
27th 13.612
28th 11.786
29th 10.018
30th 9.643
31st 8.566
32nd 7.681
33rd 7.615
34th 7.142
35th 6.801
36th 6.539
37th 6.145
38th 5.209
39th 4.604
40th 4.581
41st 4.448
42nd 4.391
43rd 4.378
44th 4.371
45th 3.833
46th 3.728
47th 3.44
48th 3.26
49th 3.253
50th 2.921
51st 2.229
52nd 2.204
53rd 2.2
54th 2.174
55th 2.061
56th 2.059
57th 2.038
58th 1.5